Soulie Saturday #17: Just Row, My Friend (Boat Ride, Vishram Ghat, Mathura)

Boat ride by the Yamuna River in Mathura
Boat Ride by the River Yamuna in Mathura.

Just row, row my friend --
rise up and high with the waters,
or keep low and bend.
Watch out for the currents,
the joys and the sorrows,
emotions, pain, melancholy and exuberance;
expressions of the heart, all God sent,
to help you grow and strengthen,
fortify, brace and transcend.

Just row, row my friend --
send the Universe a focussed intent.
Every moment, bright and new,
a new opportunity for us to re-invent.
The beauty is in the journey,
the journey passing through stony dents.
Just row, row my friend --
Past the trivial turn of events,
bask in the delights of the here and now,
bask in the delights of this very moment.
And you will reach where you are meant,
in peace, calm and content,
And you will find your natural scent
Just row, row my friend.

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I have shared a close affinity with our holy rivers like River Ganga and Yamuna wherever I have been blessed to meet them with boat rides being one of my most cherished activities to do in places like Varanasi and Mathura. And you?

With Krishna Janmastami, the birthday of Lord Krishna upon us in a day from now, penning this soulie from one of my boat rides in Mathura from Vishram Ghat where Lord Krishna has rested for a while after killing the tyrant king Kansa. While Kansa has long been liberated, he continues to live on often as a demon of the mind in this dark age of Kali Yuga; this soulie I hope will provide all of those among us who are fighting a battle, the brave warriors, a little respite from their battles, just like Vishram Ghat had offered respite to Krishna.

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Don't swim against the current.
Stay in the river, become the river;
and the river is already going to the sea.
This is the great teaching.
~ Osho

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This post is part of an ongoing series called Soulie Saturday on My Yatra Diary..., a spiritual exploration of that which is Unseen and a celebration of that Ultimate sacred space we yearn for - within and without - and the riches we carry in our own hearts. Click on the preceding "Soulie Saturday" link to view all posts in the series, or visit the initial overview post that inspired me to start this series here.

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  1. Thank you for posting this. It brought back good memories during my visits many, many years ago.

  2. Beautiful post.Great to read.
    Loved the pic.
    Greetings ~da


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